Exploring Uses for Fulldome Streaming

We Get Feedback…

continues to gain new users, and with that growth comes useful feedback from the folks out in the field who are making our service part of their outreach and education efforts. The other day, I had a great conversation with an educator about a show she had just rented. She told me about all the classes she’d be showing it to, and mentioned that it was a godsend to her budget. Her facility had suffered budget cuts and that was affecting her ability to buy long-term licenses to go along with their astronomy lessons.

This is a story we hear over and over again: domes are expected to teach and do outreach, but with less money. It is one of the big reasons why we came up with the FULLDOME OnDemand streaming service in the first place: to provide budget-squeezed fulldome theaters with a way to get the same shows the “big domes” do.

FULLDOME OnDemand as a Preview Service

Our client went on to say that she was also going to rent shows in order to “preview” content for which she could purchase long-term licenses.  This is something that we hoped people would do when we came up with the service. She was specifically going to be previewing a number of shows that would fit into their specific educational framework. “It really helps me and my colleagues a lot,” she said. “We put together a list of shows we want to rent to see which ones will work. Then, we’ll figure out how we can raise some money to buy licenses for the ones we decide on.”

It reminded me of a conversation I had at IMERSA in March with one of the “big dome” operators. He asked me how the streaming service was working. I mentioned we had surveyed our users, some of whom reported using the service to preview shows. He got a thoughtful look on his face. “We have an inflatable dome at the museum,” he said. And, just like that, I could see the light bulb go off in his mind. The next words out of his mouth were “We could use it to preview shows using the service — and even get some audience feedback before we buy long-term licenses.”

At $30 for a three-day rental of one show from our library, it’s a pretty reasonable way to do some audience testing for new titles, and I’m pleased people are doing that. FULLDOME OnDemand isn’t JUST for the little guys; now, some larger facilities are finding it useful, too. When I suggested that he might want to do a mini film festival in his inflatable, our friend just grinned and said, “Yep, I was just thinking that!”

I hope he does it. And, I hope he lets me know how it went.

What’s YOUR story about using FULLDOME OnDemand? We’d love to hear about it!

Also, check out the news about our latest offerings. We’ve added Russian versions of  Hubble Vision 2 and Natural Selection, plus a set of beautiful fulldome shows from Rocco Helmchen and his team. They’re called Switzerland Sojourns, tempus.ruhr, and Liquid/Light/Flow.

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Our First Six Months: Results from a FULLDOME OnDemand Customer Survey

How People Perceive and Use Our Streaming Fulldome Service

Fulldome shows on FULLDOME OnDemand

In fall 2015, we launched FULLDOME OnDemand. It currently offers 50 full-length and short-subject fulldome shows, streaming its 1080p HD videos via the Web. At 1k resolution, it’s obviously ideal for the smaller theaters with single-channel projectors, but as we’ll see later, there are some applications where it could be useful for larger theater purposes too.

We started with the titles that Loch Ness Productions already distributed with long-term licenses. We’ve since been contacted by other producers whose shows we did not distribute long-term, and we’ve added several of their titles too.

We’re happy to report we’ve seen the user base grow steadily, along with their appreciation of affordable content. These streaming rentals are generating a new, additional income for our producer partners, over and above their traditional income from long-term licenses.

We live in an on-demand world — Netflix, Hulu, and Spotify among many — so streaming content isn’t a new idea in the mainstream. However, it was new for fulldome. Nobody else had tried it before. We were the first. We felt pretty innovative to bring streaming content to the fulldome world.

Surveying FULLDOME OnDemand Users

As we grow, we’re interested in who’s using the service and why. So, we sent a short survey to our users. We asked them to tell us about themselves and their facility, what their budgets are, and why they chose FULLDOME OnDemand. In March, Carolyn presented a short summary of the results in Denver, Colorado, at the 2016 IMERSA Summit. Here is some of what she shared.

What Theaters Are Our Users?

FULLDOME OnDemand rentals by institution.

As we expected, the responses confirmed schools are the largest part of the streaming “pie”. This is not surprising, since many smaller facilities are in educational institutions. The second largest block is independent, privately-run portable domes, most traveling around their countries to give presentations to school and civic groups. The remainder are colleges and university facilities, museums and astronomy clubs.

Where In The World?

FULLDOME OnDemand rentals by location.

So far, most of our customers are in the US, but as you can see, there’s been interest from the far corners of the globe. While all our show soundtracks are in English, we are making other language versions available on request, when we can get them. There have been several Polish portables that are good customers. Interestingly, at the IMERSA Summit, we had one producer congratulate us for reaching Oman, a place he said he’d never sold a show to!

What are they Renting?

FULLDOME OnDemand top rentals.

While it’s still early, we’re already seeing some favorite titles emerge, as evidenced by the number of times they get repeatedly rented. So far, our users have rented 33 of the 50 shows we have to offer. We continue to add content, giving users a greater selection.

Popular Genres

FULLDOME OnDemand rentals by genre

Not surprisingly, Earth & Space titles are the most popular, since they’re also the most plentiful. But Arts & Entertainment is a healthy part of the mix, which we find gratifying.


We asked people why they rented the shows they did, and most had very interesting reasons. Some found ways to fit some very specific needs, like the school who rented The Little Star That Could as part of their anti-bullying campaign.

By far the most common refrain was people were now able to present shows they could only dream about before. And, some comments illustrated a use we hoped they’d find — to expand their offerings menu; to try out new and different shows, with little risk.

Whether you’re a producer or a user, below are real-world examples of people given an opportunity — and using it! They contain actual quotes from users with their honest reactions to the service. Very eye-opening.

FULLDOME OnDemand customer reactions 1

FULLDOME OnDemand customer reaction 2

FULLDOME OnDemand customer reaction 3

When we asked customers about their overall annual budgets, the range was from $200 to about $1,000. And, each one said their budget had to cover ALL their operating expenses, so they really had no money for anything else.

This finding allays a fear a few producers had expressed: that people would stop buying long-term licenses and just rent videos instead. It turns out none of these customers could have a bought a license at all. They just didn’t have the money to do so. But, they could afford short-term rentals.

The Big Picture

FULLDOME OnDemand survey summary 1

Our survey results confirmed what we suspected: there WAS a market out there that wasn’t being served. It’s made up of people who want good content but can’t afford it. Now, people whose budgets don’t allow for long-term licenses can afford the price of a pizza to spend on shows.

Best of all, for the producers whose work they rented — there’s now another income stream, where none was before.

Beyond the Little Domes

After we presented these findings at the IMERSA Summit, one staffer from a large dome theater came up to say they were quite intrigued. He said FULLDOME OnDemand could allow their facility to “audience test” shows they were considering buying under long-term license. They would stream shows into their portable dome, for selected public audiences and administrators. It could turn out to be a very cost-effective and immediate way to preview shows.

FULLDOME OnDemand summary slide 2

We urge all producers to consider using FULLDOME OnDemand as the go-to source for screening previews of their shows. Instead of insecurely shipping dome masters around and/or going through all the efforts involved in slicing, just in the hope of making a sale, a producer can simply offer their show through our service and direct potential buyers there. And, producers can get paid in the process, instead of making nothing!

Other discussions at IMERSA centered around the idea of “audience choice” nights in theaters where shows can be streamed. Or, how about Dome Club? Some folks pointed out they could afford to try out entertainment offerings as an alternative to their more-traditional offerings.

FULLDOME OnDemand continues to grow its list of users, and we are incredibly grateful to those who have already used the service, and to our partner producers for sharing our vision. It’s long been a dream for us to get great content into more theaters. Of course, at Loch Ness Productions we love to provide long-term licenses for those who can afford them, too.

Our survey showed that it is indeed possible to grow a new market among overlooked and underfunded venues. As time goes by, we hope people will consider FULLDOME OnDemand for all the other reasons we’ve listed here. It will continue to be a win-win for everybody!

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An Underwater Fantasy in Fulldome

A Fulldome Dive into the Ocean Environment

A wise producer once said two topics are particularly suited for the immersive dome environment: outer space and underwater.

At FULLDOME OnDemand we have them both covered with great titles you can rent anytime you like. For users looking for a trip to the oceans, we have Oceans in Space and Into the Deep. Now, we’ve added a wonderful new show that takes you beneath the waves for a look at the fascinating realm of the reefs: Underwater Fantasy.

Underwater Fantasy posterThis latest release from LivinGlobe Immersive Spaces takes you on a hypnotic visit with the denizens of the coral reefs: corals, fish, turtles, and eels. During the show, a world-record-holding free diver — Ai Futaki — makes several appearances, bringing an ethereal human presence into the ancient home of so many of Earth’s most fascinating life forms.

Underwater Fantasy is a wonderfully relaxing tour of the sea, presented with only evocative music to accompany the peaceful environment of the ocean. When I first saw this show, I thought of all the aquarium tanks I’ve ever seen, wishing I could get in and swim with the fishies and turtles. If you’ve ever snorkeled or done any scuba diving, you already know about the languid feel of being one with the ocean as you explore. This show really takes you there, in glorious HD video, artistically enhanced to fill the dome space.

The show is nearly 49 minutes long in its full version. And, we’ve also made it into three 17-minute segments too, so you can slot a quick trip to the reef into busy presentation sessions if you desire. Consider Underwater Fantasy as part of a lesson on sea life and oceanography. It also makes a great entertainment choice, whether you use the long or the short versions in your dome. We’re pleased to make it available exclusively on FULLDOME OnDemand for you and your audiences!

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FULLDOME OnDemand and a Paradigm Shift

We Hear from Our Customers…

A FULLDOME OnDemand poster of offerings.

Our current FDOD offerings in one handy poster!

After a few months of operation renting fulldome shows to customers around the world through FULLDOME OnDemand we’ve noticed a paradigm shift in people’s thinking about fulldome content. In some cases, it’s not quite what we anticipated, but it’s all still good!

For example, we’re hearing from customers who travel around with portable systems, saying, “We provide our clients a list of our programs that we have for them to choose from, so we would like to add all of your programs available through FULLDOME OnDemand service to our program list. Do we have the ability to use the promotional images on our marketing materials?”

Others are being quite audacious; they’re already putting show posters on their Web sites, even before they rent the movies. This has caused raised eyebrows from at least one concerned producer, who contacted us wondering “How can they be advertising shows they have not bought?”

Well, what used to be a “gotcha” method to help us discover who had actually purchased long-term licenses now has a different meaning. When a theater is using FULLDOME OnDemand, that’s not a bug — it’s a feature! People can now tell their audiences what they can show them, and when a group selects a show, the theater operator has only to rent the show they chose to see. It’s actually quite elegant.

When you stop and think about it, what we’re doing is really no different from what Amazon or Netflix (or Google) does. Now for all practical purposes, every FULLDOME OnDemand customer can ballyhoo the fact they have 50+ shows on tap. And it’s true — as long as their Internet connection and credit card balance holds up. The posters they create simply indicate what movies are available to show, not that they’ve actually bought traditional licenses and are running them all. At one customer’s request, we created a poster for the purpose (which you can download here). If you’re a user who wants to tout what you can rent from us, here you go. Just be sure to check the latest show additions and changes.

We checked in with one producer about this practice of advertising what’s available. He told us: “Frankly, I would encourage a user of FULLDOME OnDemand to advertise all of the shows as being available. I would think that it would be good marketing practice, and not at all deceiving, to do so.”

So, yet another paradigm shift comes to light with the use of FULLDOME OnDemand. Theaters have never had this kind of capability before. It really is kind of humbling and exciting to think that we’ve enabled them with new models and possibilities. It makes our day when we get a comment like this one: “I would love to be able to advertise all your shows to give the customers a selection. I have to say that this is a GREAT opportunity for us and one that will allow us to build an even greater relationship in working with LNP.”

Thanks to the Producers!

Our producers deserve a GREAT deal of thanks for their faith in this service, despite the many questions we all have about how well it works and where it fits into the hierarchy of licensing structures. It is a whole NEW way of thinking about content and how to get it to new audiences — and that has required us all to make a leap of faith. We are incredibly grateful to all the producers who are on the service — and the new ones who contact us with their content to license. We intend to add more shows, and welcome discussions with producers looking for ways to get their content “out there”. That second income stream is beckoning!

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FULLDOME OnDemand Goes International

FULLDOME OnDemand screen grab

Now that we have most of the fulldome shows in our distribution catalog available for rent on FULLDOME OnDemand, we’re turning our focus to the requests we’ve gotten from our international customers for shows in their languages.

There are currently more than 40 fulldome titles on our service. For each one, we make the show and the trailer available, in both prewarped and fisheye formats. When you start to consider other languages, some titles have ten or more translations. In all the formats and versions, well… it’s a ton of movies to encode and upload! For now, we’re asking FULLDOME OnDemand users to help us prioritize what we work on first.

When you select any show page on FULLDOMEOnDemand.com, you now see two choices below the “RENT NOW” button: “US ENGLISH” and “OTHER LANGUAGES”. Selecting either one gets you the menu of the shows we have posted already. If you see the language you want, great! Rent and stream it!

If not, select “Don’t see the language you want? Ask for it!” for a quick fill-in form to let us know you are interested in renting it. If the show exists in the language you want (and we can get it), we will post it as soon as we can and send an email letting you know it’s ready to rent. It really is Fulldome On Demand!

We’re just starting out with this service, of course. We always planned on expanding the repertoire to include international titles, as well as some shows from producers we don’t already distribute.

Thanks for your support!

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