21 May 2023

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Now available with flag Polish soundtrack:

Mice and the Moon

By customer request!

21 May 2023

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Now available with flag Spanish soundtrack:

The Great Planet Adventures

By customer request!

23 June 2023

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From Houston Museum of Natural Science...


You may have heard there is a total solar eclipse crossing North America in 2024. :-)

Total solar eclipses are a rare and beautiful phenomena, and in this new planetarium show audiences will learn how eclipses happen, how to safely view them, and where the 2024 eclipse take place.

Texas is the nexus for the annular eclipse of 2023 and the total solar eclipse of 2024. Since the paths of totality pass right near Houston, the Burke-Baker Planetarium simply had to create this eclipse show.

Alhough somewhat Texas-centric (understandably), TOTALITY! should appeal to all audiences wanting to learn about eclipses.

Try it!

21 May 2023

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Now available with flag Spanish soundtrack:

Waiting Far Away

By customer request!

6 March 2023

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The latest from the California Academy of Sciences...

Living Worlds

The search begins

Earth is a planet shaped by life. From the forests that help stabilize our climate, to the winds carrying life-sustaining water and oxygen to far-flung parts of the globe, the fingerprints of life are visible even from many light-years away. Living Worlds, an original planetarium show from the California Academy of Sciences, invites you to journey through space and time to examine life as an essential quality of our home planet.

The show takes you on an exploration of the co-evolution of life and our planet, revealing the ways in which life has transformed Earth’s surface and atmosphere over billions of years. Along the way, you’ll see how light and color can help us spot a living world, even from great distances.

Begin your search for Living Worlds here!

22 February 2023

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We have been adding more higher-resolution movies to stream -- both 2K fisheye and 4K prewarped.

We have also removed the 7-day rental option; it was mostly going unused.

And there's been a pricing change for our most popular show last year, Destination Solar System.

1 February 2023

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A children's show from Creative Planet...

Magic Globe

A Story of the Seasons

Using motion capture to bring characters to life, Magic Globe features a child-centered story with a clear educational structure. It's designed for youngsters ages 5 to 12 years; ideal for family audiences.

Available in 2K fisheye and 4K prewarped too!

1 January 2023

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An immersive music video collaboration by BÓSA and Axon Genesis...


The flight of the phoenix!

Wayha is an immersive music video set to the tribal world sounds of BÓSA, taking viewers on a fantastic journey following the migratory flight of the phoenix. Representing a celebration of rebirth and renewal, Wayha is a music-visual exploration of our deep connection with nature and the cycles that continuously bring life into the world.

Available in 2K fisheye and 4K prewarped too!


Here's last year's news, if you haven't been here for a while and want to catch up.

Mark C. Petersen, webmaster