We’re now into our third year of streaming movies with FULLDOME OnDemand. We continue to gain customers and add new shows to the repertoire of streaming content. With 2017 in the rearview mirror, it’s time for a year-end performance review and a look forward to 2018.
Here’s our countdown of the Top 10 popular show titles rented last year, and their producers:
The Cowboy Astronomer
Loch Ness Productions
Moons: Worlds Of Mystery
Museum of Science, Boston
Dawn of the Space Age
Journey to a Billion Suns
Molecularium Project
Into The Deep
Ogrefish Filmproduktions
Larry Cat In Space
Loch Ness Productions
HUBBLE Vision 2
Loch Ness Productions
SpacePark360: Infinity 
Dome3D and Loch Ness Productions
And the most-popular show for the second year running…
One World, One Sky
Adler Planetarium
Of course, some producers offer multiple show titles — and in the aggregate, their shows rack up some impressive counts:
European Space Agency – 29 rentals
California Academy of Sciences – 34 rentals
Dome3D – 35 rentals
Museum of Science, Boston – 36 rentals
Albedo FullDome – 48 rentals
Mirage3D – 54 rentals
Adler Planetarium – 68 rentals
Loch Ness Productions – 105 rentals
Last year, 99 unique customers logged in to rent shows; just over half of those were in the U.S. We rented some 600 shows overall, nearly two per day on average. While 79% of the titles went to U.S. customers, 21% were international. Loch Ness Productions-created shows made up 18% of the total.
FULLDOME OnDemand added 30 new fulldome movies this past year, and more are planned for the year ahead!
When we began this service, we had the hope it would provide affordable content for theaters whose budgets couldn’t quite stretch far enough to purchase long-term licenses. What we’ve found is that idea is a winner. However, we’ve also heard from people who want to use the service to preview shows before they buy licenses. So, we’ve incorporated that idea on Loch Ness Productions shows with a TRY Before You BUY offer. Bring in some test audiences — your friends, supporters, administrators. Then, should you decide to purchase the long-term license from us, we’ll credit the rental fees you paid for the show!
We love hearing from you about what you’re renting, and why. In particular, we’re gratified by the response to some of the more artistic and experimental titles in our listings. So, please take a few moments to let us know how the service is working for you, the effect it has on your ability to offer content, and anything else you’d care to share with us about FULLDOME OnDemand.
Thank you for making 2017 a successful year!