We’re now into year nine of fulldome streaming. While we’re still recovering from the pandemic shutdown of Spring 2020, the good news is: things continue to look up. We had our second-best year ever! We look forward to 2024 being a more successful year for everyone!
Here’s our countdown tally of the most popular show titles for last year:
10. HUBBLE Vision 2
Loch Ness Productions
9. Forward! To The Moon
Fiske Planetarium
8. Destination Mars: The New Frontier
Museum of Science, Boston
7. Larry Cat In Space
Loch Ness Productions
6. Expedition Reef
California Academy of Sciences
5. Magic Globe
Creative Planet
4. One World, One Sky
Adler Planetarium
3. Habitat Earth
California Academy of Sciences
2. SpacePark360: Infinity
Dome3D and
Loch Ness Productions
1. Destination Solar System
Adler Planetarium
Of course, some producers offer multiple show titles — and in the aggregate, their shows rack up some substantial counts:
5. Museum of Science, Boston – 66 rentals
4. Houston Museum of Natural Science – 89 rentals
3. California Academy of Sciences – 128 rentals
2. Adler Planetarium – 134 rentals
1. Loch Ness Productions – 182 rentals
Last year, 146 unique customers logged in to rent shows; more than 900 titles were streamed. 92% went to U.S. customers, 8% streamed internationally. Loch Ness Productions’ own shows made up 19% of the total.
FULLDOME OnDemand added four fulldome movies in 2023, and met four requests for other-than-English soundtracks.
Please take a few moments to let us know how the service is working for you, and anything else you’d care to share with us about FULLDOME OnDemand.
We are grateful to everyone making use of our streaming service. Thank you all so very much for your support!