Top 10 Rentals on FULLDOME OnDemand

Most popular of all rentals!FULLDOME OnDemand has been in business for just over a year, renting streaming shows to fulldome theaters worldwide. The response from users has been quite satisfying, and the base continues to grow as more dome operators discover and try out the service. We are greeted daily with rental notifications, and each month our producer partners whose shows are being rented get paid for their work.

Now that we’ve got a year’s worth of streaming rentals under our belts, we can spot some trends. One that leaps right out is “most popular shows”.  While people have responded well to almost every show we have available, some titles consistently gain a lot of attention. As the market grows, we’re seeing some movies rented over and over again. Here are the top 10 most-rented titles (and their producers) this past year:

1. One World, One Sky (Adler Planetarium)

2. The Little Star That Could (AVI)

3. Dinosaurs at Dusk (Mirage3D)

4. Seasonal STARGAZING (Loch Ness Productions)

5. Moons: Worlds Of Mystery (Museum of Science, Boston)

6. Molecularium (Molecularium Project)

7. Origins of Life (Mirage3D)

8. Chronicle of  Journey to Earth (Albedo Fulldome)

9. Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (Fiske Planetarium)

10. Larry Cat in Space (Loch Ness Productions)

Congrats to the producers of these fine programs!

To those people using the service, we are very grateful for your support!  We love hearing from you about what you’re renting, and why. In particular, we’re quite gratified by the response to some of the more “artistic” and experimental titles in our listings.

And be sure to check out the other popular shows we have online for short-term streaming. We’ve added many good ones this past year, and are planning more releases in the coming months!

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